Make data filtering more accessible in Rex's contact and listing record screens to avoid having to export to CSV and sort.
Currently can't filter all search result columns and it would be great to add certain data fields to the columns for more specific sorting:
• Allow sorting on all current columns – ID, Contract Status, Listing Agents, Owned By, Created By, Modified By currently unable to sort results by these columns
• Multiple levels of column sorting – Eg. Sort by Creation Date as the primary sort then further sort by Listings Agent allowing for easier bulk actions. I can’t remember the web app I’ve used but a column sort, then a control-click on the secondary column would sort the records further
• Actual Advance Filter field data shown in columns and allow them to be sorted
• Maybe an admin area that allows users to select their custom columns to sort by? Most of the options in the screenshot serve no purpose to me, it would be great to have the option to add any of the Rex Advance options into my ‘filter dashboard’ sort of how the ‘Custom Values’ admin section works
Eg: Show all SOLD properties > Filter down by Listing Agent > Sort column by "SOLD date" (can't do).
There are endless other applications this UI upgrade could serve when trying to put data from the system -- it would be a welcome addition!