Applying individualised VPA schedule notes in finance mode - time/date stamped
I would like to request that within the 'notes' area of the VPA marketing schedule it be formatted so that we have the capability to apply VPA notes individually that set with a time/date/author stamp for the user that is applying the note. This would allow for a much easier-to-follow area visually for all staff members to read and see exactly where a property is at with its marketing campaign, as well as being highly beneficial for the accounts department to look at and see the ‘when and why’ an extra item was added to the marketing schedule outside of what the owner/s initially agreed to pay. Also, it will offer the ability to track payment requirements if the sales agent was to order an extra product that they are to be invoiced for directly, or if it is to be a split payment between agent and owner. Having this feature would be exceedingly beneficial to our real estate business, and I would imagine advantageous to almost any real estate agency.
An example to further outline the need of this requirement to benefit a real estate agency business would be;
If we have set a marketing budget and have added in all owner-approved marketing products, then 2 days later the sales agent chooses to order some extra professional photography that he is going to pay for himself - I can apply an individual note of when/why this extra photography has been added to the Ad Schedule and who is to pay for it (with the note having a time/date/author stamp so anyone in the office looking at the note will follow what is going on). And then perhaps another 2 weeks later, the owner has changed their mind on the type of sale and now want to go to auction - so another individual time/date/author stamped note can be applied to outline auction fees now added to Ad Schedule and owner is to pay for this extra expense.