Registering Calls through POCKET
Would be ideal that when a call comes in Pocket already recognises this. and the call itself was noted in the clients stream in REX. Incoming call received or outgoing call. At the end of the call also would be ideal if you could enter a note on what the call was about then just press save and it will attach tonthat client.
moving on from this would to recognise communication / emails sent to this client through gmail or outlook also and automatically add to the clients stream.

We’d love to be able to implement this but unfortunately iOS puts a restriction on us being able to do anything beyond identify the call – our app doesn’t even get notified a call is happening for security and privacy reasons – behind the scenes we populate an iOS database and it uses that to identify the incoming call without ever notifying our app a call happened.
Regarding your suggestion on emails, setup autoforwarding of emails to your personal email Dropbox address.
If anything changes on this front, we will definitely revisit but at this stage there’s nothing we can do.