Reprint letters/resend emails that have already been sent
At the moment if you want to resend or reprint a letter/email merge you've already sent you have to recreate it. It would be good if there was a print duplicate or resend button to make the process less manual.

liz commented
This annoys me so much - we should be able to reprint an email we send, or a letter. It is painful to have to go into the client and then prepare another letter if the first one does not print out correctly etc. When will this be fixed please?
Kylie commented
Yes this would be a good option, many times I'm having to re-create letters as once I get to the printer if there is an error I need to re-print.
Dale Maisey commented
YES PLEASE!'s gutting to have to start again when an email bounces and I don't want to CC myself into every message just in case - defeats the purpose. You got my vote :-)