More Comprehensive Feedback
It would be really useful if we had the option to use custom fields when importing feedback into REX.
Currently, we are limited to four options when adding feedback (offer, private inspection, follow-up and enquiry) it would be beneficial if we could type in our own feedback type as to not limit ourselves to these four feedback types.
Following on from this the 'general feedback' field could be improved by added in custom sub headings (eg. positive, negative and agent feedback) so that feedback can be easy separated and distinguished. Another option would be to add in a simple toolbar where we could bold, underline, highlight and increase/decrease the size of the text. This would allow us to create these subheadings ourselves and also highlight important information that we want standing out on the vendor feedback report.
Guys – thanks for the suggestion.
Rex has a hot warm and cold ranking on feedback as proxies for positive and negative.
We also have an agent-vendor conversation feedback type to deal with agent-specific inputs.
Whilst this is a slightly different approach, you will achieve the same end result.
James Carmichael commented
Thanks for getting back to us.
In the General Feedback Section isn't it possible to add a Positive and Negative Heading?
This is important as our agents give Positive and Negative feedback about the home for each buyer - rather than just saying if a buyer is hot or cold. Please have another look at his simple change for us.