New columns for 'sold properties' view
It would be great to have a new view for 'sold properties'. We would like the most recent sale date to pull through to this view.
We would also like these additional columns to be added to the view:
Sold price
Sold Date
Contract Agent (selling agent)
Most recent 'past owner'
Current owner
I have attached a screen shot from RP Data and also an old CRM system we used - their formats are very easy to use.
The ability to refine and have a list that can be sorted by sale date, price and owner name would be a massive advantage.

Anonymous commented
Hi, has any further review been given to this feature - to customise the view would allow the system to be more user friendly to both agents and admin staff - it is like a stocklist on screen whether it be appraisals, properties, listings, sold or archive properties.
Agents and staff in sales teams think in terms of vendor names, display price, sold price, listing and selling agent - if we do not remember exactly what we enter the property in the system for it makes it even harder to just sort by address too. The current view and displayed fields in the columns are not used - the only one used is the address and perhaps the modified date but it is not really necessary it is only used to try and sort to find things -
Anonymous commented
If this customised view could be used across the board with the properties, listing and contact views (obviously with slightly different fields) it would be so beneficial to users. You often forget an actual address or what you entered a name or address in the system as - to see this data in list form would allow you to scroll and find also.