Amend Invoices (rather and having to void & redo them)
It would be useful to be able to amend invoices rather than having to void an invoice that changes and re-enter it.

Sandra Gibbons commented
I agree and would also like to see each transaction have a date next to it (e.g. booking date)
Anonymous commented
Can we please have this changed. It is double handling. If we could just amend an invoice it would save time and make more sense.
Anonymous commented
YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Can we please get this implemented.... its such a time waster having to void an invoice when you should be able to just amend it.
Sam Dittmar commented
Hi, could you PLEASE look at implementing this asap - several of us suggested/voted for it over a year ago and nothing has happened. Having to void and redo an invoice every single time is time consuming and should be unneccessary!
We need to edit invoices from time to time as marketing prices change etc. This is not a legal issue Emma MPRE HQ, maybe we use REX differently? Editing should be a basic function.
Thanks -
Emma MPRE HQ commented
Although this would be helpful it is not really following guidelines . When a invoice it created it should be a legal document and should not be edited only credited or recreated. Also where other systems are integrated with Rex and share that invoice with another system if an agent just edited the invoice it would create serious accounting issues .
Samantha Hill commented
This would be very useful & is frustrating on a regular basis (not being able to amend Tax Invoices)
Sam Dittmar commented
Yes!! We desperate need this! Its so annoying having to void an invoice rather just editing the amount owed. Not sure why we cant do this?
Caroline commented
This would be very useful