Create a Simple Prospecting Call List on Pocket App
Create a prospecting section on the pocket app where you can generate a quick customisable call list while on the go. Have the 'actions' as icons on the contact profile to avoid loading multiple new pages and navigating away from the main prospecting list. The goal is to have an efficient way to communicate with our database contacts in the palm of our hands (simple - user-friendly design).
Prospecting Call List Examples:
All Appraisals
(Default sort: newest to oldest)OFI Attendees Home Owners (Contacts that have recently visited an open home and have a property attached to their contact card)
(Default sort: newest to oldest)Filter by Contact/Property Tag (Example: Pipeline 1-3 months)
(Default sort: Alphabetically or last contacted - oldest to newest/least to most recent)
Refer to the attached image which is an example of the design layout for this feature.

James Jansen commented
Great idea, this would be very helpful
Amy Mac commented
This would be very helpful.