Commission calculation option based on sales price
Enter a commission calculation based on the sale price, not tiered and split across two commissions, which is the current calculation available in Rex.
So where an comms negotiation is 1.8% up to $1m and 2.0% if the sale price is $1,00,001 and above, Id like Rex to automatically calculate the correct full commission % based on the sale price using the calculation.
I.e. if the property sells for $990,000 then the commission is 1.8%. if the property sells for $1250000 then the commission in full is 2.0%
Rex only allows me to calculate up to $1m at 1.8% then the balance, in this example being $250K at 2.0% which is not hwo the agreement is negotiated.
Its a fairly common commission negotiation and I'mi surprised this is not already a feature