Copy and Paste suburb tags into match profiles for speedy data entry
Like many of you, we spend a lot of time on data entry, entering contacts into REX and as part of that process we always generate a Match Profile for the contact.
I'm sure other users have noticed there is quite a few clicks involved when entering suburbs into the Match Profiles. You must enter them one by one by typing and selecting the correct suburb from the drop down list and this action must be done separately for each suburb in each match profile for each contact.
Since this data is often the same between contacts who are interested in a single property (being simply a list of nearby suburbs) it would save so much time if we could copy paste suburb tags from one profile to the next and fill that data in one click.
I suggest that the suburb input field on the Match Profile allow the suburb tags to be copy pasted from one field to another. I've shown one possible implementation here (see attached) where the tags resolve into text when the field is selected. For the sake of aesthetics the text field could resolve into the attractive tags you have now (see part 2 of attached image) when it is not actively selected.
This would be a great functionality to have in text fields across the website but especially in this case. Thank you :)