REX - Add Reverse match menu item - to automatically filter by active campaign option ( excludes unsubscribed email/sms campaigns )
When you perform a reverse match, it brings up everyone with a 'match profile'. However, it does not exclude people that have unsubscribed from sms/emails.
We're seeing occurrences where buyers are getting annoyed because they have unsubscribed from communication, but still have an active match profile in the system.
This issue is compounded by the size of database/contacts that have an active match profile but have unsubscribed from email/sms communication. There is no way to see that in the reverse match list either without filtering further.
I see one of three possibilities.
1. The reverse list has an additional column that shows the email/sms status ( this would be useful anyway )
2. The reverse match excludes all terminated email/sms campaigns (
3. An additional reverse match option in the menu to perform the reverse match but only show those with an active match campaign filter of yes. ( eg Reverse Match Filtered ) ( It's simply an additional menu item and doesn't affect those that want an unfiltered list.