GCI to show in agent dashboard
In other similar software programs, each agent is able to see exactly what GCI they have written in a chosen period. This is a good motivator and certainly people talk about it between each other as healthy competition. When we used CD, it was a great accountability measure and for strong performers, they want to know anyway! The data is there, it would just be an additional feature to the dashboard, and certainly one that is found in most other CRM's for real estate. Happy to provide more details, but it's really as simple as that! Thanks for considering.

Braden commented
Agreed - a dashboard which shows activity for the month so you can make sure you're on track. Appraisal for the month, GCI for month/year/period of time etc. Current Listings, Current Contracts, Sold for the month - just a snap shot of how the agent is doing.
Josh Edgar commented
yeah a box with current listing, sold for date range, comm for date range, appraisals for date range, default financial year but able to adjust to 1 month, etc etc would be ultra-useful.