Sales advice custom details
It would be nice if we could add a notes section, or some custom fields at the botttom of the page. There's plenty of left over space at the bottom of the sales advice so some customisabililty would be nice.

Teresa commented
I think adding another deposit box so we can add in the balance deposit when this comes in. I've noticed there is only a box for initial deposit, total deposit but no balance.. if we print the sale advice it only looks like they have paid the initial deposit unless we go back and changed the initial deposit to the full amount which is besides the point of having the initial deposit box.. hopefully this makes sense. what i'm saying is it would be great to have another deposit box for the balance.
Jessica commented
Would be helpful if the actually property was listed at the top of the Sales Advice Notice, along with the agent/s
It needs Solicitor details such as - Company, contact, email, phone.
To be able to write in a description for the settlement date, for eg. - With 90 days from date of exchange.
For us a lot of the extra details are unnecessary, also solicitors don't need to see what commission structure is in place.