Upgrade of Reminder and Track System
We would like to have considered features we had in our previous CRM system that enhance it being more automated with the use of tracks:
- Ability to email both contacts from within one client record, so that tracks can include communication by email to both parties (or even outside of tracks general emails etc can be sent to both parties would also be most helpful)
- Ability to automatically assign when setting up the track who the correspondence within the track is to go to (i.e. When it’s a Seller letter, having to manually search for and attach the Vendor creates room for error and extra work, whereas if the track knew that it was assigned to the vendor attached to the Contract (for Listing Merges) or to the Contact (for Contact Merges) it would make less room for error and a more automated system. Obviously same goes for Buyer Letter and both parties Solicitors Letters. We have seen this work every effectively.
- Ability to assign correspondence within a track to an email address and/or staff member (rather than one a Contact assigned)
- Ability for track to be assigned/triggered at certain status points. For example the following status points where a track is automatically attached/fired a. New Listing b. Under Offer c. Withdrawn d. Sold/Unconditional e. Settled f. Birthday g. Deposit Due Date h. Settlement Due Date i. Authority Expiring j. Appraisal Completed (and different tracks fire depending on whether it’s a HIGH/LOW/MED
Thank you.

Debbie Coates commented
I am looking for Push Notifications (Android) or Emails or Calendar Entries for reminders, especially those in Tracks.
I want to be able to assign who receives the Push Notifications (Android) or Emails or Calendar Entries for reminders.