Newsletter info in contacts stream
I would like to be able to go into the Contact screen, and pull a report on which newsletters the contact has been sent, how many times they opened, and how many clicks. The same as what you can see when you go into the Newsletter for all contacts, but the other way around, you go into the Contacts, and see all newsletters. Would be a good tool to easily determine how often the contact looks at the newsletters and how active they are.
Emma commented
It would be great that the 'newsletter' component of REX would talk to a contact's stream so you can see the client has received a newsletter.. at the moment nothing is shown on the client to see they have received the newsletter/opened/clicked on links etc.
Megan Thredgold commented
Would like to be able to put a bulk note onto our clients in our zone. We mail a market update every quarter and instead of going into each client individually it would be fantastic if we could bring up the tag and put the same note onto all 2000 clients with one note.
Anonymous commented
Great idea. In the stream for the contact just have 'opened edm/newsletter'
Kris Cunningham commented
It would be hugely beneficial to know whether someone you are about to call reads your newsletters or not, before you make the call.
Tony commented
I'd love to see newsletter's on the stream too. It's a form of client contact/engagement and should be easily visible.