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344 results found

  1. Ability to differentiate between a Rental Appraisal and Sales Appraisal

    It would be great to have a button the appraisal section which allows us to show whether it's a rental appraisal or a sales appraisal so that if you have two teams working off the same database, one being a rental team and the other a sales team, then you can differentiate between their appraisals.

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  2. Page Break Letter Templates

    Page break should be a feature in the normal set up area of Letter merges rather than having to use the "HTML" page.

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  3. Emails - Replies

    When emailing someone, replies should go back into Rex into the stream and having a notification on the dashboard. Integrating a full email system inside of Rex would be good if possible with an inbox / outbox etc

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  4. Link both a contact & property to an appointment

    When setting up a buyer inspection, it would be convenient to link the appointment to the contact as well as the property rather than just one or the other.

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  5. Leased properties should show "leased" not "sold"

    In the buildings view, properties that have been leased show "sold". A new flag would be great to differentiate.

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  6. When making price changes they don't appear on the dashboard or in the drop down box for price changes

    It was good to have my current listings displayed on the top right hand side of dashboard at all times

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    If you would like a price change to show up on the dashboard you must select ‘Trigger Price Reduction Workflow’ on the listing record when changing the price.

    Please contact our support team should you require further clarification on this.

  7. settlement calendar

    It would be good to have a settlement calendar or a way to quickly see all up and coming settlements for all users

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  8. Link both contact and property in notes / reminders etc

    Have the capacity to link a contacts and properties through notes / reminders etc.

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  9. Export listings with more information

    In addition to the current listing reporting options (OFI and stocklist brochures), can we have an option to export a list of current listings which shows information such as:
    Building name / property address / date of listing sign-up / # bedrooms / Listing price / agent assigned to listing / property size / body corporate rates / notes..

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  10. Add filter to find contacts with no email address

    When generating a mailing list, useful to filter out all contacts without an email, or vice-versa

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  11. Add contacts to a call list from all OFI / Buyer inspections (with a date range)

    So after a weekend of opens and inspections you can generate a list for all your callbacks

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    Hi Everyone,
    We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
    1. Go to system lists
    2. Filter for feedback for a specific agent
    3. Select all, go to related (contacts)

  12. Under Offer Feature

    Add an under offer feature rather than marking it as sold - this is essential for projects

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  13. Sort feedback, open times & notes by date on the vendor report instead of the order they were entered

    When entering notes about a property or feedback from opens, they do not appear sorted by date.
    So if you do not enter feedback in chronological order, it continues to appear all mixed up.
    This effects the Vendor Report etc.
    Same thing happens with open times. If you enter a few Thursday opens and then a few Saturday opens, they do not sort in the back end of Rex by date – only sort by date on the website.

    Ideally they should be able to be sorted/viewed in date order.

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Enable scrolling in tags dropdown list

    When adding a tag the dropdown list only allows for 10 options, would be great to either have show more or be able to scroll down for more tags

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    Scrolling was already available (it just may not be visible if you’re on a Mac) – just hover over the area and scroll.

    Seperately, as of a few weeks ago, any lists of tags that include more than 10 entries can be filtered via a small “filter” box at the top of the list.

    If you have further questions regarding this, please get in touch with our support team.

  16. Keep log of changes made to Record owners

    It would be good to see a log against the customer if the record owner is changed and who it was changed by.

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  17. 90 votes

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  18. filter contacts by typing in a certain price range and selecting a certain time frame

    Like the old REX it is a good way of getting clients who were added in a certain time frame (eg from Jan 21 - May 21) and you can put in a specific price range for clients instead of the 'mailing list' ranges as most of the time we do not add the 'mailing list' to the client when we enter them in.
    I found this a lot easier to use when the agents wanted to do a normal email to all the clients who were looking for a property between 650k-850k for example.

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    Hi there,

    This is something you can do in Rex.

    You just need to perform a filter on your contacts, select the ones you wish to send to, then send the mail merge.

    Please contact Rex Software support for more information.

  19. Related Contacts against Listings

    It would be great to be able to add:
    Buyer's settlement agent
    Seller's settlement agent
    Finance broker
    Power of Attorney
    As related contacts to a listing so that when you are setting reminders or tracks, for example, send copy of contract to Finance broker, you can add them as a related contact. Also just handy to be able to access their details from the main screen rather than having to dip into legal/contract tab or property record to get details.

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  20. Add "Ms" as a permanent Title dropdown value

    Because Ms is a very common way to enter the title of a person they may not know is married or not, for speed on iPads, can we get Ms added to the permanent dropdown values?

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