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344 results found

  1. Re-introduction of 'Under Contract' Banner on property photo

    This will enable faster processing of incoming phone calls. Without the banner it is necessary to go into the legal tab and establish if a contract has been signed on a listing.

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    2 comments  ·  Listings  ·  Admin →
  2. Label Merge

    Can we please have the the label merge feature back?

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  3. When you are viewing either listings/properties/contacts in the list view and then you click the column headings to sort either alphabetical

    When you are viewing either listings/properties/contacts in the list view and then you click the column headings to sort either alphabetically etc can you please make it that you can click a listing/property/contact after sorting. Currently you can't it reverts back to the first property/listing/contact prior to sorting.

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  4. Change map to reflect agency office location when address is hidden

    Having a map showing the address of a property when a client has specifically requested that their address remain private subverts the idea of protecting client privacy. Having the option to have the map reflect the agency office instead would protect the privacy of vendors who have requested that their address not be disclosed on the internet.

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    0 comments  ·  Listings  ·  Admin →

    Hey Nancy,

    Thanks for your Feedback.

    If you have a marketing override attached to a listing to hide the address, the location will not appear on a map.

    In Rex you will see the location, but this is just for your own records and is not revealed elsewhere.

    For more information on Marketing overrides, check out the following article –

  5. A direct credit tab for payment of deposits

    Just needs to have the option of direct credit instead of just eftpos, cash & Cheque

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  6. Re-establish the ability to generate sales contracts

    The previous version allowed this and was highly valued by our office. Even if it cant be created directly from Rex, the ability to integrate Rex information into a third party like ADL forms would suffice.

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  7. Add photographer to Advertising Category

    Under the Admin - Advert Providers and Packs - Advertising Providers - Add Product section I would like to add a category called Photographer. This is a mandatory field however none of the pre-entered categories apply to a photography product.

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  8. Property Id field on window cards

    Ability to add the property id as a text preset option making it easier for larger companies to determine which property the window card belongs too. You had this option in the old rex.

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    0 comments  ·  Brochures  ·  Admin →
  9. other agenst should not be able to edit another agents reminders even if it is an open database

    With the open database other agents can delete or edit other agents reminders or comments or contact. it should be read only. the only person that can edit or delete the contact is a superuser (admin) or the FPOC agent themselves.

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    completed  ·  0 comments  ·  Reminders  ·  Admin →
  10. Allow Agent Photo to appear on Brochures

    Agent photos are standard in the contact agent information for properties that are uploaded to portals, websites and brochures/windowcards.

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  11. Attachment documents to emails

    We all send CMA's and other documents to potential and existing customers. It would be great if we could send a document like a CMA to the owner of the property from REX. IT is all part of the communication process the property owners.

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  12. Reminders being able to add notes and set new reminder from dashboard

    Currently we can add notes and tick the reminder as complete frome th dashbaord however we then have to go into the contact to set a new reminder. it would be good if the option to set a new reminder was included from the dashboard screen that would be applied to the client

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    0 comments  ·  Reminders  ·  Admin →

    Hey there,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    This is something you can already do in Rex.

    To add reminder on the fly, just click on the Plus symbol next to the search bar, then click on ‘Add Reminder’ down the bottom of that popup.

    If you have further questions on how to do this, just get in contact with Rex Support.

  13. Add filter for listing sub-category

    When filtering listings can the listing sub-category be included as a main filter.

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  14. When correspondence is sent from the listing it doesn't show on contact, this needs to be shown on contact record.

    When correspondence is sent from the listing it doesn't show on contact, this needs to be shown on contact record please so we know what we have sent the contact.

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    1 comment  ·  Contacts  ·  Admin →
  15. Inquiries going straight through into REX

    Inquiries going straight into REX on dashboard or otherwise having an "inquiry" tab for customers to be able to contact us or send their enquirers through from our websites or other portals.

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  16. Reintroduction of agent 'position' in their profile.

    This will allow merge letters to show agent's position and not having to manually add this to each and every letter produced.

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    Hi Everyone,

    Agents can change their position title by following these steps:
    > Hi their name (in the top right hand corner)
    > Profile
    > Type their position into the ‘Position’ text box

    You then have the ability to add their position to merges by selecting the merge letter/email etc you wish to edit and selecting:
    > Insert merge tag
    > Contact (Record Owner) from the drop down
    > Contact record owner [Position]

    If you require additional help with these steps please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team who will be more than happy to assist you.

  17. 9 votes

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    1 comment  ·  Reporting  ·  Admin →

    Stocksheet covers are optionally available when generating your stocklist and larger font sizes are available with the “Optimize for A5 brochures” option.

    Tom – you might want to log your request as a seperate suggestion (there aren’t currently any plans to allow full customization).

  18. 1 vote

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    The enquiry feedback type is available as of this week. As part of the workflow for entering this, you can specify an enquiry source – we would recommend something more specific than email or phone but you can add these to the Enquiry source value list if you wish.

  19. Open in new tab

    Allow links to be opened in a new tab via 3rd mouse button or right click options.

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    1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →

    We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.

    You’ll need to hold down command (mac) / control (windows) before clicking the “view” button to open the record in a new window.

    If you require any additional help with this please feel free to contact our support team at, they’ll gladly walk you through it.

  20. Branding Letters - PDF

    When generating a pdf LETTER for our company branding / logo to appear on the template so we can then email it as a pdf.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Merge  ·  Admin →
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