Feature Requests
Welcome Rex Users!
Let us know what you really want out of the system you use in your businesses every day!
Please include as much detail as possible about what the feature is and how the feature would make your life easier – this will encourage other rex users to vote for your request rather than creating a duplicate idea. The more votes you get the quicker your idea will come to our attention :)
How it works:
- You can add as many new ideas here as you like but each new idea that you add will cost you one of your votes.
- You have ten votes to use. You can distribute these however you like with a maximum of 3 on any single item. You can remove a vote if you change your mind and put it elsewhere.
- If you have voted on an item that is then implemented, you will get those votes back to use again.
Remember – no request is too small :)
Happy voting!
344 results found
My Listings, similar to My Contacts, but only with the listings that have the agent associated with it
Its great to have My Contacts, but many of the agents here would like a quick way to see just their own listings without having to use the filter.
An option called My Listings that would basically filter the listings to show those against the logged in user.
9 votesWith the release of our new menu, “My Listings” is now available as a menu option. Thanks for the suggestion!
More info in the blog post: https://www.rexsoftware.com/blog/feature-release-rexs-new-menu/
Ranked Reminders Hot / Warm / Cold
Are we able to rank Hot/Warm/Cold reminders within the dashboard to help prioritise the work flow
65 votesWe’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
Sales Agency Agreement expiry dates
Would love the system to generate an actual expiry date rather than having to manually calculate 90 days each time and for that date to be on reports rather than DTE.
71 votesHappy to announce that this is now available.
When entering authority details you now have the option of entering a start date and duration or expiry date – if you enter an expiry date the duration will be automatically calculated and vice versa.
Please put the users list in alphabetical order, and if possible enable a search function so we dont have to scroll through many pages
Please put the users list in alphabetical order, and if possible enable a search function so we dont have to scroll through many pages to find a particular user.
6 votesAs of this weeks release, it is now possible to sort users by name and search for them in the admin section.
We need Open for Inspections to provide multiples of 5 minutes (as per old Rex), new Rex only provides for multiples of 15 minutes
We want to start or finish open for inspections at times other than on the quarter hour. We like to do rent OFIs for rentals for 20 minutes and then allow a varying time to get to the next property depending on distance. Now we can only allow 15 or 30 minutes between opens. Old Rex allowed the 15 minute slots. New Rex is making Saturdays for rental open houses very difficult.
7 votes -
Change map to reflect agency office location when address is hidden
Having a map showing the address of a property when a client has specifically requested that their address remain private subverts the idea of protecting client privacy. Having the option to have the map reflect the agency office instead would protect the privacy of vendors who have requested that their address not be disclosed on the internet.
3 votesHey Nancy,
Thanks for your Feedback.
If you have a marketing override attached to a listing to hide the address, the location will not appear on a map.
In Rex you will see the location, but this is just for your own records and is not revealed elsewhere.
For more information on Marketing overrides, check out the following article – http://support.rexsoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/202730740-Marketing-Overrides-Hide-Address-Sold-Price-Contract-Status
A direct credit tab for payment of deposits
Just needs to have the option of direct credit instead of just eftpos, cash & Cheque
1 voteHi Emily,
This is something that has been added.
Please contact rex support if you have further questions on this.
Add photographer to Advertising Category
Under the Admin - Advert Providers and Packs - Advertising Providers - Add Product section I would like to add a category called Photographer. This is a mandatory field however none of the pre-entered categories apply to a photography product.
3 votes -
Add field for AUCTION LOCATION ie "On Site" or "At xyz" as not all Auctions are held onsite.
Add an extra box for the In-room Auction location as not all Auctions are held on-site.
94 votesWe’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
Located in the events tab for a listing, this new field allows an alternate address to be provided on any upcoming Auctions.
For a full update on todays releases, check out our release article on the Rex blog: http://www.rexsoftware.com/feature-release-asked-delivered/
Property Id field on window cards
Ability to add the property id as a text preset option making it easier for larger companies to determine which property the window card belongs too. You had this option in the old rex.
1 voteHey there,
Thanks for your feedback!
This is something you can already do in Rex by creating your own templates and adding in a merge tag which will grab that info.
Don’t worry if you do not want to create a whole new template, you can just duplicate ours, then modify.
Check out the following article which has links to videos on how to perform this.
other agenst should not be able to edit another agents reminders even if it is an open database
With the open database other agents can delete or edit other agents reminders or comments or contact. it should be read only. the only person that can edit or delete the contact is a superuser (admin) or the FPOC agent themselves.
1 vote -
Reminders being able to add notes and set new reminder from dashboard
Currently we can add notes and tick the reminder as complete frome th dashbaord however we then have to go into the contact to set a new reminder. it would be good if the option to set a new reminder was included from the dashboard screen that would be applied to the client
1 voteHey there,
Thanks for your feedback!
This is something you can already do in Rex.
To add reminder on the fly, just click on the Plus symbol next to the search bar, then click on ‘Add Reminder’ down the bottom of that popup.
If you have further questions on how to do this, just get in contact with Rex Support.
Price based filter for appraisals
When a buyer is searching for a property we don't always have what they are looking for. We may however have a past appraisal that would suit what they are looking for, but we have no way of filtering through our appraisals based on price, which is usually the first thing that a buyer will look at.
16 votesYou’ll be pleased to hear this feature is now up and running in Rex! You can now filter appraisals by min price, max price, asking price and rental amount. Thank you once again for the great suggestion.
Add filter for listing sub-category
When filtering listings can the listing sub-category be included as a main filter.
2 votesThanks for your suggestion! Whilst we’re not currently looking to include what you described exactly, we do have a work around with our saved filter functionality which will make the filter a bit quicker for you. You can check out the details here: http://help.rexsoftware.com/system-concepts-saved-filters
When you are viewing either listings/properties/contacts in the list view and then you click the column headings to sort either alphabetical
When you are viewing either listings/properties/contacts in the list view and then you click the column headings to sort either alphabetically etc can you please make it that you can click a listing/property/contact after sorting. Currently you can't it reverts back to the first property/listing/contact prior to sorting.
3 votesHi Amanda, this one has been resolved in a release this week.
Bulk email property brochure to (reverse) matched buyers
We can currently only email a brochure to individual buyers via the buyer's 'match' button. It would be super efficient to be able to send a brochure for that property to all matching buyers via the 'reverse match' feature on the property page, rather than having to go to create a new newsletter/template for every single new listing.
New Listing -> match -> select relevant buyers (these are all current features)... Just need to add -> 'email brochure' to the mass actions list.
4 votes -
Generate stock lists with advanced filters
Allow the option to generate stock lists with a filter by tags, amount of bedrooms, price etc.
0 votes -
buyer feedback
Buyer feedback including buyers opinion on price and source, to be listed separately to all other ppty notes. this way at quick glance the listing agent can talk to the vendor and see feedback with out having to run a report for this info.
3 votesThis feature is now up and running in Rex! Thank you once again for the great suggestion. Check out the blog post below for an overview of this functionality.
Proper ipad application
Would love to see a full ipad application that is fully supported. Really important for home opens and efficiency.
100 votesWe understand many of you are wanting Rex to be fully mobile/tablet compatible. However, due to the large volume of requests in this suggestion for an open home app we’re going to mark this request as complete due to the release of our integration with Homepass. Information on the Homepass integration can be found here:
http://www.rexsoftware.com/feature-release-homepass-integration-the-ipad-open-home-register/We’ve created a new suggestion for a tablet/phone application purely for Rex. Please check out the new suggestion here:
http://rexsoftware.uservoice.com/forums/170987-feature-requests/suggestions/10134516--rex-application-for-tablet-and-phone-devicesPlease vote and comment on exactly what feature(s) you would find most useful while on the road.
Re-establish the ability to generate sales contracts
The previous version allowed this and was highly valued by our office. Even if it cant be created directly from Rex, the ability to integrate Rex information into a third party like ADL forms would suffice.
2 votesHi there,
This is now something that is available in Rex.
We now have a Plugin which links to ADL forms.
Check out the release notes on this and if you have further queries, just contact Rex support.
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